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Child Protection Training

The Fort Worth Youth Orchestra requires all volunteers and employees working directly with or supervising students to be trained in Child Abuse Prevention. Through a partnership with the Dallas Children's Advocacy Center, we provide this training free of charge.

Step 1 - Account Setup by Supervisor

Step 2 - Activate Account


Once requested by your FWYO supervisor, you should receive an email from the FWYO at once an account is set up for you in the Dallas Children's Advocacy Center learning portal.

Click the link in the email and make a new password for your account.

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Step 3 - Finish Setting Up Account (Not always needed)


Unless you see the following menu upon login, you can skip the next step. may need to finish setting up the account by filling out "Non-profit organization" in the Organization Type. Then click Save. You must click save to be able to take the course and access your dashboard.

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Step 4 - Access Dashboard


You should be brought to the main dashboard automatically, which you can also access by clicking the blue button in the top left.

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Step 5 - Complete Course & Quiz


Course & Quiz should take 30-45 minutes. Progress is saved as you go.

You must pass the quiz with an 80% or better to receive your certificate. You can have as many attempts as you need, BUT you will need to reach out to to have the quiz reset.

If you need to access the course at a different time, you can get back to the portal here.

Step 6 - Send a copy of your course certificate

To ensure timely approval, please submit a copy of your certificate to your supervisor or email a screenshot/pdf to

Thank you for helping us keep students safe!

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