A musical ensemble is a unique team requiring attendance by every one of its members. Any single absence has a negative impact on the quality of preparation and performance, and multiple absences can be detrimental, no matter the reason. It is the responsibility of members & families to be familiar with their ensemble’s rehearsal schedule, and to report expected absences well in advance. To report an absence, contact the ensembles program coordinator (Mr. Warren) via email (dwarren@fwyo.org) or by completing the Absence Notification form (button to the left).
Please plan ahead! An unexpected illness or conflict may arise later in the concert cycle, preventing you from attending a rehearsal or performance, so be diligent not to miss for an imprudent reason in the early stages.
1. Attendance at all rehearsals is required. However, we do understand that absences will occur due to occasional illnesses, familial situations, religious conflicts, school activities, etc. In the event of these and other extenuating circumstances, each member may be permitted to miss up to two (2) rehearsals per concert cycle.
2. FOR 2022-2023: With the safety of everyone at FWYO as our key focus, students MUST adhere to the FWYO public health protocols. Students who fail the FWYO COVID-19 self-screen tool MUST declare an absence. While absences due to COVID-19 may affect a students ability to perform in an individual concert at the ensemble conductors discretion, absences for COVID-19 will not count toward item 1, 3, or 5. Absences for COVID-19 will also not be considered when making decisions for current or future ensemble placement. For the safety of our students, staff, & visitors - Failure to declare an absence for a student who fails the self-screen will result in removal from any and all FWYO Programs without refund.
3. An ensemble member will be considered tardy if they are not in their seat when rehearsal begins (at the beginning or after break), or if the member leaves rehearsal early. Three (3) instances of tardiness equal one absence.
4. An ensemble member will be ineligible to participate in an upcoming concert if more than two absences occur during the concert cycle, for any reason. If more than two absences occur, the conductor and administration will evaluate the ensemble member’s eligibility on a case-by-case basis, and participation in the upcoming concert will be at the discretion of the conductor.
5. Attendance at all concerts is required. If an ensemble member is absent for two performances, for any reason, it is grounds for dismissal from the remainder of the FWYO concert season, at the discretion of the conductor.
6. Ensemble members are required to maintain their presence for the entirety of all concerts that feature multiple FWYO ensembles. Members will remain together as a group before and after their performances, and will be seated together in the audience when possible. Members will not be permitted to leave the concert venue after their performance without advance notice and prior approval. This policy is enforced to ensure the safety of all members, to show respect for fellow musicians, and to display the professionalism of our orchestras at performance venues.